Make a Lasting Impact with Endowed Scholarships

捐赠奖学金是一种由大笔初始捐赠创建的奖学金. 然后,这笔捐款被存入一个投资账户,由于利息,这个账户可以分红 and changes in market value, it grows over time. That investment growth is what provides 奖学金资助学生支付多年的学费、杂费、书费和生活用品 into the future. 例如,一个奖学金基金成立于20年前 新利18社区学院捐赠了1.5万美元,迄今已提供了2.7万多美元 奖学金给二十多名学生,目前价值超过 $48,000.

现在,感谢马萨诸塞州提供的高等教育捐赠激励计划 高等教育委员会(BOHE)的所有捐款都是预先存在的捐赠奖学金 or a newly created one will be matched at a rate of 50%. Therefore, a donation of $500 becomes $750; $1,000 becomes $1,500; $5,000 becomes $7,500; and so on.


设立自己的捐赠奖学金的最低投资额是1.5万美元, 由于BOHE的比赛,1万美元的礼物变成了1.5万美元的比赛奖励.

如果你有兴趣开始你自己的捐赠奖学金,联系新利18 Community College Foundation at or 774.357.2007.
“I used to work two part-time jobs to pay for my tuition. But thanks to the scholarship, 我可以有更多的时间专注于学校,真正地建设我的未来.”

Endowed Scholarships

Fred and Ella Crane Family Scholarship

这个奖学金是为了纪念弗雷德里克和艾拉·克兰而设立的 他们的子女和孙辈的学业支持,其中许多人就读于新利18大学. 它通过鼓励奖学金获得者追求和实现他们的遗产 their American dream, just as they did. This scholarship supports matriculated Bristol 科学、工程、数学或教育专业成绩为3的学生.0 or higher GPA and financial need. 麻萨诸塞州的特殊居民也可以考虑 academic needs.

José Francisco Costa Endowed Scholarship

这一捐赠奖学金成立于2023年,以纪念约瑟夫的工作和愿景 为纪念弗朗西斯科·科斯塔和LusoCentro学院成立20周年 在新利18的中心,跨学科工作,促进研究 the 语言 and culture of the Portuguese-speaking cultures. This scholarship was 在LusoCentro 20周年纪念活动期间赠送给josore Costa,并提供 为在新利18攻读葡萄牙语学位的学生提供经济支持 语言.


Delta Dental Scholarship in Honor of Dennis Leonard

马萨诸塞州德尔塔牙科公司在新利18设立了丹尼斯·伦纳德奖学金 to enhance diversity among dental hygienists. Named by his successor Erik Montlauk, 这个捐赠奖学金支持有色人种的学生从事牙科保健师的职业 through tuition assistance. According to Mr. Montlauk, “There’s a lot of work to be 在这个领域,但我们认为这是解决问题的重要的第一步 workforce shortages... and the gap between the amount of care that is needed and the people that are there to serve and deliver that care. There’s also the chance to increase the diversity of candidates going to school. As a leader in this industry, it’s important for Delta Dental to try to be part of the solution.” This scholarship provides financial 为在新利18攻读口腔卫生学位的学生提供支持. Preference shall 颁发给BIPOC(黑人、土著和有色人种)学生.

Joseph and Joan 安德雷德 Memorial Scholarship

这一捐赠奖学金是为了纪念布朗先生而设立的. 和夫人. 安德雷德 of 陶顿 by their eight children. Joan 安德雷德 lived in service to others as a CNA 以及为发育迟缓者提供住宿咨询,直到她退休 in 2018. 约瑟夫·安德拉德(约瑟夫一ndrade)是个多面手,他用各种方式养家糊口 throughout his life. 除了抚养自己的孩子,约瑟夫和琼还开了店 their home as foster parents to innumerable children. This scholarship benefits students 并为在新利18攻读护理学位的学生提供经济支持.


安德烈J. Godwin Memorial Scholarship

由全国精神病协会福尔河分会成立 这个捐赠奖学金是为了纪念安德烈·J. Godwin who passed away in June 2023. 作为新利18大学的学生,安德烈是一个非常有天赋的年轻人 之前生活带来的心理健康挑战阻碍了潜力 us. 在他的一生中,安德烈勇敢地克服了他所面临的许多障碍. 他的家人支持他的康复努力,并钦佩他所表现出的毅力 along the way. 该奖学金为新利18大学的学生提供经济支持 追求高中同等学历证书,然后过渡到学分承担 certificate or degree program.

雪莱一个. Costa Memorial Scholarship

这个奖学金是为了纪念毕业生谢利·科斯塔而设立的 也是新利18社区学院的长期雇员,在总统办公室任职. Shelly will always be known for her welcoming smile. She will be remembered best as 她是一位出色的妻子和慈母,精神自由活泼,爱花钱 time with family on the beach. This scholarship provides financial support to adult learners pursuing a degree at Bristol.


Paula Parsons Endowed Scholarship

这个奖学金是为了纪念保拉·帕森斯75年的诞辰而设立的 Ms. 帕森斯意识到新利18在支持她的职业道路上的重要性. 该奖学金为在新利18攻读学位的学生提供经济支持 who show financial need.

Dr. Eleanor Morad Nursing, Ed.D. Scholarship

Established by Dr. 埃莉诺·莫拉德,新利18的长期护理学教授,具体来说 支持当地新利18县社区的护士队伍. 这项奖学金帮助新利18大学护理专业的二年级学生获得3分.0 GPA or higher, prioritizing single mothers. The selection is made by the Bristol Nursing department, 在护士别针仪式上颁发年度奖项. Eleanor Morad or designated faculty.

奖学金可用于支付学费、杂费、书本费、补给费和紧急财务费用 assistance for continuous studies.

“我在妊娠晚期创办了新利18,因为我真的想产生影响 in my daughter’s life as she got older... It’s an accomplishment to say that I’m now about to get my degree.”


251Student scholarships awarded from the Bristol Foundation
$309,000Total scholarship funds awarded from the Bristol Foundation




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