
新利18社区学院 is committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that is free of any conduct that could be considered harassing, abusive, or disorderly. In an effort to assure safety to all members of the college community, the procedures 在下面几页的阐述中已经建立了. 这些程序的副本 are available in the offices of the Academic 建议, Counseling and 卫生服务, Vice President for STUDENT SERVICES and Enrollment Management, and 校园警察.

性侵犯是刑事犯罪,是不能容忍的. 性侵犯包括 暴力和非暴力犯罪.

新利18社区学院 is required by the Crime Awareness and Campus 安全 Act of 1990 and the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 to collect information related 到校园性侵案. 当性侵犯的指控被提出时,被指控 鼓励受害者提起刑事诉讼. 此外,适当校园 可能会受到纪律处分.

All allegations of sexual assault will be handled confidentially and will be investigated. Both the accuser and the accused will have equal opportunity for a hearing. 额外的 information, contact 新利18大学第九章临时协调员伊曼纽尔·埃切瓦里亚. 可以通过电话与他联系 774.357.2682 或电邮: 以马内利.Echevarria@BristolCC.edu. 可通过以下电话与人力资源办公室联系 774.357.2333 或电邮: 多样性TitleIX@BristolCC.edu.


Although 新利18社区学院 acknowledges the reality of rape and sexual assault in society, we have adopted a pro-active prevention plan with education and awareness 防止校园犯罪的项目.

The prevention of sexual assault depends in part on the awareness of an individual’s 负责预防犯罪和人身安全. 新利18社区教育 College is provided through programs and educational booklets which include: 

  • 员工发展/员工培训.
  • 学生和员工手册.
  • 校园媒体包括报纸和通讯.
  • Seminars, workshops, pamphlets and posters addressing specific issues, such as sexual assault, acquaintance rape, sexual harassment, self-protection for men and women and 犯罪报告.

尽管我们做出了努力,一些强奸和性侵犯仍可能发生. 这是我们关心的 that when a rape or sexual assault is reported to campus authorities, the victim’s 福利是至高无上的,他或她不会再成为制度的受害者. 用这个 in mind, we have established procedures to follow in the event of a rape or sexual 校园袭击事件.


In the event of a sexual assault occurring on Campus, the college will respond in the following manner to provide for the safety and needs of the person who is assaulted:

A. 安全

  • 立即拨打774通知校园警察.357.2218 or 774.357.3911 从学校的电话,任何时候,白天,晚上和周末. 如果你在校外 刻度盘 508.678.2811, 774.357.2218 or 774.357.3911.
  • 校园警察会通知学生健康协调员(774.357.2232)或谘询中心(774.357.2227)提供辩护和医疗服务. The 学院的 多样性 & 还将联系第九条官员.
  • Identify a support person for the victim, such as the respondent from the college staff, an individual from the community resource list, or someone whom the victim chooses and feels comfortable with to provide support and accompany the victim to 警察局、医院或家里.
  • In case of medical emergency, 校园警察 will arrange transportation to the local 医院急诊室. 支持人员可以陪伴受害者. 就医 should be encouraged even if the victim does not feel it is necessary, as the person may be in shock or otherwise unable to make such a decision which may be important 致未来的法律诉讼. 应该告知受害者保存的重要性 证据.
  • If there is the potential for immediate apprehension of the assailant, 校园警察 应该打电话给当地警察吗.
  • An incident report should be filed and the Vice President for STUDENT SERVICES and 通知注册管理部门.

B. 教职员工

  • 任何 faculty or staff member who receives a report of or discovers a possible sexual assault on Campus shall immediately inform 校园警察 immediately on Campus by 拨打774.357.2218 or 774.357.学校的电话,无论白天还是晚上 和周末. 如果你在校外,请拨电话 508.678.2811, 774.357.2218 or 774.357.3911.
  • Reports can also be made to 新利18大学第九章临时协调员伊曼纽尔·埃切瓦里亚. 可以通过电话与他联系 774.357.2682 或电邮: 以马内利.Echevarria@BristolCC.edu. 可通过以下电话与人力资源办公室联系 774.357.2333 或电邮: 多样性TitleIX@BristolCC.edu.
  • 市场部副总裁 & 通讯由指定发言人负责 对于所有媒体或外界的询问.
  • The Vice President for STUDENT SERVICES and Enrollment Management shall be responsible for insuring that college policies and procedures are followed and shall also determine appropriate college disciplinary 行动 if the alleged perpetrator is a student. 任何 student or employee who is a victim will be offered information on law enforcement options, mental health services, and options for changing academic and/or living situations, 如果有要求和可用.
    • All reported or suspected cases of sexual violence shall be reported to the 学院的 多样性 & 第九条官员. 

C. 学生

  • If a student receives a report or discovers a possible sexual 校园袭击事件, she/he must immediately notify the 校园警察, a faculty member, or a staff member. 学生也可以向 新利18大学第九章临时协调员伊曼纽尔·埃切瓦里亚. 联系他的人可能是 电话在 774.357.2682 或电邮: 以马内利.Echevarria@BristolCC.edu. 可通过以下电话与人力资源办公室联系 774.357.2333 或电邮: 多样性TitleIX@BristolCC.edu.
  • The college may initiate college disciplinary 行动 against the student or employee accused of rape, acquaintance rape or other sex offenses, forcible or non-forcible. Possible sanctions which may be imposed following the final determination of an on-campus disciplinary procedure regarding such charges include warning, probation, suspension, dismissal, special assignments and restriction or revocation of privileges.
  • The Vice President for STUDENT SERVICES and Enrollment Management shall oversee and implement these decisions for students and ensure the accuser and accused are treated fairly and both informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding and 行动.
    • All reported or suspected cases of sexual violence shall be reported to the 学院的 多样性 & 第九条官员. 

D. 学生与雇员

  • If any student or employee believes that he or she has been sexually assaulted, the student or employee has the right to file an Affirmative Action Discrimination Complaint Form (see Affirmative Action Policy for Community Colleges form below under "Relevant 表格”).
  • For more information or assistance with filing a complaint, please contact Bristol’s 第九条临时协调员伊曼纽尔·埃切瓦里亚. 可以用电话与他联系 at 774.357.2682 或电邮: 以马内利.Echevarria@BristolCC.edu. 可通过以下电话与人力资源办公室联系 774.357.2333 或电邮: 多样性TitleIX@BristolCC.edu

If you wish to also file a formal complaint with Bristol's 多样性 and 第九条 警官,你可以在这里上网申请.

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