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校园警察 Department

777 Elsbree Street
福尔河, MA 02720


校园警察 officers are sworn officers with full police powers. Their authority is granted by the Massachusetts State Police, under Chapter 22C, §63 of the Massachusetts 一般法律. This authority allows officers to exercise law enforcement authority concerning any criminal offense occurring on properties owned, occupied, or used by Bristol Community College. Officers are also granted authority through Chapter 90 of the Massachusetts 一般法律 to investigate and enforce any 犯罪 related to motor vehicle offenses. This includes issuing motor vehicle citations.

Criminal activity investigated by 校园警察 Officers may be forwarded to courts for prosecution. If a policy violation is committed by a student, the 校园警察 Department may refer the student to the Vice President of Students or Code of Conduct Officer for disciplinary action.


All Bristol police officers must complete the Massachusetts Police 培训 Committee (MPTC) Entry-level Police Academy 培训 prior to appointment as a Bristol Community College police officer. Some officers have received specialized training in areas including emergency medical services, active shooter response, sexual assault investigations, SafeZone, and many others.


Mission Statement

The Bristol Community College Police Department is committed to establishing partnerships with all members of the college community to pro-actively solve problems and reduce 犯罪. We deliver essential services with the utmost integrity and professionalism to enhance civility and the protection and well-being of the college’s students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Vision Statement

We will work in cooperation with our community to proactively address identified areas of needed improvement and to continually provide the level of service and safety so deserved by the community.



Our conduct and demeanor display the highest standard of personal and organizational 卓越. As a professional organization, we are guided by the “Law Enforcement Code of Conduct.”


We recognize the authority we hold and will treat others as we would like to be treated. We will faithfully, and without bias, honor our obligations to the community. 


We are committed to the highest standards of honesty and ethical conduct, which are the cornerstones of our profession. We will uphold the public trust and our commitment to our core values.


To the organization, each other, our families, and the citizens we serve, and having an unquestionable work ethic.


There is always room for improvement - and that the never-ending search for improvement leads to 卓越. We aim for 卓越 in everything we do.