



The list of honors course offerings is always being improved to meet the needs of 我们的CHP学生在各种项目. 以下是课程和研讨会的列表 可用于即将到来的夏季和秋季2024学期. Click here to see who can sign up for 荣誉课程s, and for contact information.



Engin Atasay教授

This interdisciplinary humanities course introduces postmodern theory as it applies to contemporary popular art, architecture, literature, philosophy, music, film, and 网络. Considered as both a reaction to modernism and an extension of American civil rights and counterculture movements, postmodern texts challenge culturally oppressive 绝对真理的概念通过解构的实践. 学生创造 可能在州际会议上展示的最终项目. 从业人员可能 include The Beatles, Jorges Luis Borges, Caryl Churchill, Don Delillo, Jacques Derrida, Matt Drudge, Philip Glass, Michael Graves, Marshall McLuhan, Camille Paglia, Suzi-Lori 帕克斯,阿特·斯皮格曼和安迪·沃霍尔. 前提条件:在英联邦注册 荣誉课程或导师许可. 每周上三个小时的课. 教学 需要支付支持费用. 创. Ed. 胜任能力满足:伦理维度和多元文化 和社会观点. 3学分.

注册地:HUM 291.Hon - crn# 61132.




发现你内心的演说家. 在学习中学习如何像领导者一样说话 历史上最伟大演说家的秘密. 体验创造和创造的乐趣 制作专业品质的视频. 练习用英语做口头报告 一个安全和支持的环境. 应对公众演讲恐惧的技巧; critical thinking, information literacy, technology skills, verbal and nonverbal communication, 这门充满活力的课程包括积极倾听. 先决条件:合格 score on the College's Reading and English placement tests; or C or better or concurrent 入读091或092专业. 每周三个课时. 能力要求:口语 传播学、人文3学分.

福尔河的混合动力车,周一上午9:30 - 10:45.m.
注册:COM 104.Hon - crn# 94573.

HST 114 u.S. 1877年以后的历史


随着美国最近的决定.S. 最高法院推翻罗伊诉. 韦德,更多的美国人 have been thinking about the ways that the court impacts the rights of U.S. 公民 整个社会. 在这门完全在线的课程中,我们将研究美国.S. 历史 1877 through the lens of landmark Supreme Court cases to discover how the court has 塑造了我们今天生活的国家. 我们将一起评估法院的权力 has affected civil rights, justice, free speech, voting rights, freedom of religion, 正当法律程序等等. 本课程将只使用容易获得的免费材料 在线. 先决条件:合格 score on the college's reading and writing placement tests or, C or better or concurrent 入读091或092专业. 

注册:HST 114.Hon - crn# 90380.



是什么让童话和神话让他们流连不去? 为什么我们仍然 reading and retelling stories written hundreds, sometimes thousands of years ago? In this class, we're going to explore the ways such stories get told and retold, from European fairy tales and myths to modern day comics, films, and plays. 我们也会 探索一些ABOUT民间传说和神话的文学理论. 先决条件:英格 101. 每周三个课时. 需要支付教学支持费用. 能力满足: 批判性思维,书面沟通3学分.

注册课程:eng102.Hon - crn# 93328.


Mary Rapien教授

Honors Bio 121 focuses on three areas of contemporary biological science including selected topics in chemistry as necessary for more advanced courses such as cell biology, immunology, and microbiology; the structure and function of cells with emphasis on reproduction, membrane functions, and cell energetics; and the molecular mechanisms 遗传控制和遗传模式. 学生学者将阅读和讨论 peer-reviewed papers describing research underpinning current biological knowledge and will delve into deeper areas of discussion that are not typically addressed in 标准的BIO121课程. 不像传统的课程,老师是 "sage on the stage," scholars will be given the opportunity to propose and lead discussions related to the structure and physiology of cells and will be required to produce scholarly 生物学专题著作. 在讲座和实验室之间,学者将得到提升 their research skills; develop their ability to reason scientifically; and construct scientifically sound responses to questions in order to explain biological phenomena. Prerequisite(s): One year of high school biology or chemistry with labs with a grade C或C以上,或C或C以上的chm90. 三个小时的讲座 每周实验室工作时数. 需要支付教学支持费用. 能力要求:科学 推理和发现4学分.

星期二/星期四讲座9:30 - 10:45.m. 周四实验11 a.m. - 1:50 p.m. in 福尔河
报名:生物课121.Hon - crn# 92808.

PSY 295社区领导荣誉研讨会


In this interdisciplinary course, 学生s review the scholarly literature on leadership to gain a concise grounding in major leadership concepts and theories, including a contemporary approach for leadership in groups, communities, and organizations. 学生 will practice problem-solving strategies and leadership skills by developing a project plan to help an organization provide a service needed in the community and assessing the project and their personal growth using guided-reflection techniques. 先决条件: Enrollment in the Commonwealth 荣誉课程或导师许可s. 三个 每周授课数小时. 3学分.

报名:PSY 295.编号:crn# 93282.

SCI 251革命发现时刻


This course is a broad overview of some of the latest discoveries and leading perspectives in contemporary science, as well as their potential impact on society, culture, education, 以及公共政策. 课程涵盖的主题可能包括量子物理、混沌、 and fractal theory, epigenetics, cosmology, consciousness studies, neurobiology, artificial 智力和其他. 这门课程也是跨学科的,因为它探索 the potential impact of these discoveries on contemporary society, culture and the 环境. 每周三个课时. 前提条件:向英联邦荣誉开放 仅限项目学生. 3学分.

星期四晚上7点到9点40分.m. 在福尔河.
注册号:SCI 251.Hon - crn# 93277.

ACC 102会计原则2

Vivien Ojadi教授

This course is designed to continue with the study of financial accounting. 这门课 covers inventory costing systems, fixed assets and intangible assets, corporations, 应付债券,现金流量和财务分析. 此外,课程介绍 学生s to managerial accounting topics, including internally generated reports used 指导业务并作出决定. 计算机应用程序集成到 the course in a variety of ways, including in a computerized lab setting.

星期二/星期四上午11点.m. - 12:15 p.m. 以及周四的实验,下午12:30 - 1:20.m. 在福尔河
注册:ACC 102.Hon - crn# 90526.

HON 260 Culminating Honors Project (If you are graduating in December, take this course!)


This one-credit honors experience is open only to 学生s in the BCC 荣誉项目 应该在学生的最后一个学期参加. 学生开发项目 activities and objectives with a faculty mentor who oversees the project. 一份合同 describing the project must be submitted to the 荣誉项目 for approval. 学生 are encouraged to present honors projects at appropriate conferences. 每一个最终 honors project will be unique, focusing on an area of particular interest to the individual 学生. 每周的上课次数会因合同而异. 先决条件: 目前参加荣誉课程的学生. 

星期一上午11点在线.m. - 12:15 p.m. (或者会配合你的日程安排),
报名:HON 260.B1w - crn# 93737.


Any 学生 who wishes to try their hand at a challenge may enroll in any 100-level 荣誉课程. 每堂课的课程先决条件.

布里斯托大学在读学生,平均绩点在3分以上.45 will be invited to join the program officially and may then take any 100-level Honors 课程或200级荣誉研讨会.

已经被优等生录取的学生 可以参加荣誉课程或研讨会吗.


任何问题? 联系金伯利牛顿,英联邦荣誉协调员 金伯利.Newton@BristolCC.edu