What Is 职业生涯 Readiness?

职业准备是展示必要核心能力的基础 这基本上为受过大学教育的人在职场和终身成功做好了准备 career management.

Competencies for a 职业生涯-Ready Workforce

有八种职业准备能力,每一种都可以在 a variety of ways. Review a definition of each competency and suggested behaviors for developing those competencies below.

新利18社区学院努力将这些核心能力纳入尽可能多的课程 our courses and programs as possible.

我们的目标是让学生获得清晰和自信的描述如何具体 课程、实习和其他大学经历都有助于培养他们的能力 skills, personal qualities and strengths.

新利18使用最新的市场数据来帮助我们确定哪些技能组合是合适的 needed by industry. Bristol works with our community and industry partners to build 满足他们就业需求的项目,同时为学生的成功做好准备.

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职业生涯 & Self-Development

通过持续的个人和职业发展,积极地发展自己和自己的事业 学习,意识到自己的优势和劣势,对职业机会的把握, 以及在组织内外建立关系的网络.

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清晰有效地交换信息、想法、事实和观点 书面或口头的组织内外人员.

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Critical Thinking

基于对情境的理解,识别和回应需求 logical analysis of relevant information.

Sample Behaviors:

  • Show an awareness of own strengths and areas for development.
  • 在追求和应用反馈的同时,确定持续增长的领域.
  • Develop plans and 目标 for one’s future career.
  • Professionally advocate for oneself 和其他人.
  • Display curiosity and seek out opportunities to learn.
  • Assume duties or positions that will help one progress professionally.
  • 与那些能在专业上帮助你的人建立、维持和/或利用关系.
  • Seek and embrace development opportunities.
  • 自愿参加进一步的教育,培训,或其他活动的支持 一个人的事业.

Sample Behaviors

  • 理解并展示口头、书面和非口头/肢体语言的重要性 language, abilities.
  • Employ active listening, persuasion, and influencing skills.
  • 以清晰和有组织的方式进行沟通,以便他人能够有效地理解.
  • 根据学习方式的多样性、不同的个体来构建沟通 communication abilities, and cultural differences.
  • 向主管、专家询问适当的问题以获取具体信息。 和其他人.
  • 在需要指导时及时通知相关人员.

Sample Behaviors

  • 用合理的、包容的推理和判断来做决定和解决问题.
  • 从各种可信和有效的来源收集和分析信息 individuals to fully understand a problem.
  • Proactively anticipate needs and prioritize action steps.
  • 准确地总结和解释数据,意识到个人偏见 may impact outcomes.
  • 有效地沟通行动和基本原理,认识到不同的观点 and lived experiences of stakeholders.
  • Multi-task well in a fast-paced environment.

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股本 & 包容

展示公平参与所需的意识、态度、知识和技能 and include people from different local and global cultures. Engage in anti-racist 积极挑战种族主义制度、结构和政策的行为.

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认识并利用个人和团队的优势来实现组织目标 目标.

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了解不同的工作环境,理解并展示有效的工作 habits, and act in the interest of the larger community and workplace.

Sample Behaviors

  • 征求和使用来自不同文化视角的反馈,使之具有包容性和包容性 equity-minded decisions.
  • 积极促进影响个人的包容和公平的做法 and systemic change.
  • 倡导包容、公平的做法、正义和赋予历史权力 marginalized communities.
  • 寻求全球跨文化互动和经验,提高自己的理解 of people from different demographic
    groups and that leads to personal growth.
  • Keep an open mind to diverse ideas and new ways of thinking.
  • 确定资源并消除个人和系统种族主义造成的障碍, inequities, and biases.
  • Demonstrate flexibility by adapting to diverse environments.
  • 解决限制历史上的成员机会的特权制度 marginalized communities.

Sample Behaviors

  • 在共同的愿景和目标下,激励、说服和激励自己和他人.
  • 寻找并利用各种资源和他人的反馈来指导方向.
  • Use innovative thinking to go beyond traditional methods.
  • 以自信和积极的态度完成任务,为他人树立榜样 的态度.
  • 通过鼓励和建立相互信任来激励和激励他人.
  • Plan, initiate, manage, complete, and evaluate projects.

Sample Behaviors

  • 公正行事,对自己、他人和组织负责.
  • 在组织和个人事业中保持积极的个人形象 值.
  • Be present, prepared.
  • Demonstrate dependability (e.g., report consistently for work or meetings).
  • Prioritize and complete tasks to accomplish organizational 目标.
  • Consistently meet or exceed 目标 and expectations.
  • 是否注重细节,使他们的工作很少出错.
  • Show a high level of dedication toward doing a good job.



建立和维护合作关系,有效地朝着共同的目标工作; while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.

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道德地理解和利用技术来提高效率,完成任务, and accomplish 目标.


Sample Behaviors

  • 仔细倾听他人,花时间去理解并提出适当的问题 without interrupting.
  • 有效地管理冲突,与不同的人互动并尊重他们 meet ambiguity with resilience.
  • 对个人和团队的责任和可交付成果负责.
  • 运用个人的长处、知识和才能来补充他人的长处.
  • Exercise the ability to compromise and be agile.
  • Collaborate with others to achieve common 目标.
  • 与主管和团队成员/同事建立牢固、积极的工作关系.

Sample Behaviors

  • Navigate change and be open to learning new technologies.
  • Use technology to improve efficiency and productivity of their work.
  • Identify appropriate technology for completing specific tasks.
  • 管理技术以整合相关、有效和及时的信息 decision-making.
  • Quickly adapt to new or unfamiliar technologies.
  • 操纵信息,构建思想,利用技术来实现战略目标.

*本页信息由美国大学协会(NACE)提供 和雇主). For more information on the NACE 职业生涯 Readiness initiative, please 访问 naceweb.org/career-readiness-competencies

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